OS updates monitoring

Our apps monitor your devices for OS updates and notify you when they are available. We track information about major OS updates, patch releases, and security updates.

Redamp.io | OS Updates Monitoring


Our apps monitor your devices for OS updates and notify you when they are available. We're tracking information about all major OS updates, patch releases, and security updates. In the case of a security update, our system will send a notification to specific devices about available updates.

This information is also visible in the web console, so the admins have a clear overview of the current state of the devices in their company.

Android and iOS have different approaches to OS updates, so we're handling them differently.

iOS Updates

iOS has a simpler approach to OS updates due to the limited number of models they have. We can easily track if the device is supported by Apple or not. We're tracking the following information for iOS devices regarding OS updates:

Android Updates

Android has a more complex approach to OS updates due to the large number of manufacturers and their different approaches to OS updates. Google releases a security patch for Android every month, but device manufacturers do not always release the updates for their devices. This is why we're tracking one extra piece of information (Vendor Updates) for Android devices regarding OS updates:


We're also keeping track of specific CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) that are exposed by the device and can be misused by hackers. This information is also visible in the web console, so you can have an overview of specific potential security threats exposed by your device.