IoT Vulnerabilities

Explore the security challenges and vulnerabilities associated with Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and learn how to protect your network and data in an increasingly connected world.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has ushered in a new era of convenience, connectivity, and efficiency. These smart devices, ranging from smart thermostats and wearable fitness trackers to industrial sensors and autonomous vehicles, have the power to transform the way we interact with our environment and conduct business.



General recommendations

  1. Purchase from reputable brands: Choose IoT devices from well-known and reputable manufacturers. Established companies are more likely to prioritize security in their products.
  2. Update firmware: Regularly update the firmware of your IoT devices. Manufacturers often release updates to fix security vulnerabilities. Enable automatic updates if available.
  3. Change default credentials: Change default usernames and passwords immediately upon setting up a new device. Use strong, unique passwords that combine letters, numbers, and special characters.
  4. Use strong network security: Use a strong, unique password for your Wi-Fi network and WPA3 encryption if available. Set up a separate guest network for IoT devices to isolate them from your main network.
  5. Regularly check device activity: Monitor your IoT devices for any unusual activity or behavior, such as unexpected data transfers or unusual patterns of communication.
  6. Physical security: Keep your IoT devices physically secure to prevent unauthorized access, for example, placing security cameras to prevent tampering.
  7. Review privacy settings: Review and adjust the privacy settings on your devices and the associated apps. Limit the data you share and who has access to it.
  8. Disable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP): UPnP can expose devices to external threats. It's safer to manually configure port forwarding if needed.
  9. Secure mobile devices: Since many IoT devices are managed through mobile apps, secure your smartphone and tablet with strong passwords and biometric authentication.
  10. Regularly audit connected devices: Periodically review the devices connected to your network. Remove any devices that are no longer in use.

How helps in protection

  1. Analyzing privacy settings of the associated app: We analyze the privacy policy of every app associated with your IoT device.
  2. Securing devices: We check that all your systems are up-to-date and have strong authentication settings.
  3. Analyzing your network: We scan networks to which your devices are connected and analyze their security protocols.
  4. Educating your employees/family members: We offer an education platform for your employees to prevent social engineering attacks.

What we're planning next in protection

  1. Checking firmware versions: We're planning to scan firmware versions of all IoT devices on the network.
  2. Finding open unsecured ports: We're planning to scan open ports of IoT devices.

Real-life examples