Zero-day exploits

An overview of zero-day exploits, their risks, and protection methods.

A zero-day exploit is a cyberattack that leverages a previously unknown software vulnerability, or "zero-day vulnerability," to compromise a target system or network. Unlike common cyberattacks that exploit known weaknesses, zero-day exploits take advantage of undisclosed and unpatched flaws, giving defenders zero days to prepare and counteract these threats before they are unleashed.



General recommendations

  1. Keep software updated: Regularly update operating systems, applications, and software to the latest versions. While this won't protect against all zero-day exploits, it can mitigate the risk by addressing known vulnerabilities.
  2. Implement network security: Utilize firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and network monitoring tools to detect and prevent unauthorized access and suspicious activities.
  3. Use sandboxing: Isolate applications and processes in controlled environments to prevent them from affecting the core system if they become compromised.

How helps in protection

  1. Software update checking: We check that all your systems are up-to-date and inform you as fast as possible if there's a new update available.
  2. Informing about active CVEs on your devices: Our system will inform you about unpatched CVEs that are potential vulnerabilities to your devices.
  3. Analyzing your network: We scan networks to which your devices are connected and analyze their security protocols or scan other devices on the same network.

What we're planning next in protection

  1. Alert system for admins: We are planning to implement an alert system that will inform admins about zero-day exploits on devices in their companies.

Real-life examples