
An overview of ransomware, its risks, protective measures, and real-life examples.

Ransomware is a type of malicious software (malware) that is designed to encrypt a victim's files or lock them out of their computer system, rendering their data inaccessible. The attackers then demand a ransom payment from the victim in exchange for providing the decryption key or unlocking the system.



General recommendations

  1. Regular backups: Maintain regular backups of critical data and systems. Make sure backups are stored offline or in a secure, isolated environment to prevent them from being compromised during an attack. Test your backups periodically to ensure they can be restored successfully.
  2. Update software: Keep your operating systems, applications, and security software up to date. Many ransomware attacks exploit known vulnerabilities in outdated software.
  3. Network segmentation: Segment your network to limit the lateral movement of attackers. This can help contain the impact of a ransomware attack.
  4. Incident response plan: Develop and regularly update an incident response plan that outlines the steps to take in case of a ransomware attack. This can help minimize the impact and recovery time.
  5. Least privilege: Follow the principle of least privilege, ensuring that users have only the necessary permissions to perform their tasks. Limiting privileges can mitigate the impact of a ransomware infection.
  6. Employee training: Train employees on how to identify and report suspicious emails, links, and attachments. Regularly test employees with simulated phishing exercises to reinforce training and identify areas for improvement.

How Redamp.io helps in protection

  1. Software update checking: We are checking that all your systems are up-to-date and inform you as fast as possible if there's a new update available.
  2. Analyzing your network: We scan networks to which your devices are connected and analyze their security protocols, as well as scan other devices on the same network.
  3. Education for your employees/family members: We offer an education platform for your employees to prevent, for example, social engineering attacks.

What we're planning next in protection

  1. Safe Surfing: A new way to block access to malicious domains for all your devices using DNS protection.

Real-life examples