Open WiFi Risks

Using open public WiFi networks can expose your data to interception by attackers due to the lack of encryption, making sensitive information like passwords and personal details vulnerable. Additionally, you risk connecting to fake hotspots set up by cybercriminals to steal your data.

What Are Potential Risks?

  1. Your Personal Information Can Be Stolen: When you use open WiFi, hackers can sometimes see what you're doing online, like checking your email or shopping. They might steal your passwords or other private details.

  2. Your Devices Could Get Infected: Just like how people catch colds from being around others who are sick, your phone or computer could get a virus from using open WiFi. This could make your device act strangely or even stop working.

  3. You Might Connect to the Wrong WiFi: Sometimes, hackers create fake WiFi networks that look real. If you accidentally connect to one of these, they can see everything you do online.

  4. Your Online Accounts Could Be Taken Over: Hackers might try to get into your online accounts, like social media or email. If they succeed, they could pretend to be you and cause trouble.

  5. Your Private Conversations Aren't Private: If you're chatting with someone online, hackers might be able to listen in. It's like if someone could overhear your phone calls without you knowing.

What can I do to Stay Safe?

To stay safe, try to avoid using open WiFi networks for anything important, like banking or sharing personal information. If you must use them, make sure to use secure websites (look for "HTTPS" in the address) and consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to keep your connection private.