Supported OS

A supported operating system on a mobile phone is the software that makes your phone work and regularly receives updates to fix problems, add new features, and keep it secure. Without these updates, your phone can become slow, less secure, and may not work with new apps.

Operating system (OS) on a mobile phone is like the brain of your device. It manages all the software and hardware, allowing you to use apps, make calls, send messages, browse the internet, and more. Here are the main things to understand:

Updates and Support

A supported operating system receives regular updates from its developers. These updates are important because they:

Simply stay safe with! You can easily find out whether your operating system is up-to-date from our application.

Why Support Matters

Using a phone with a supported operating system is crucial for several reasons:

End of Support

Eventually, older phone models may stop receiving updates because the hardware can no longer handle the latest software. When this happens, it's known as the "end of support." You can still use the phone, but it might become slower, less secure, and incompatible with new apps.

Checking for Updates

Most modern phones allow you to easily check for and install updates. Here’s how: